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Answer: The first principle of good communication is knowing your audience. This is where writing papers for class gets kind of weird. As Peter Elbow explains1:
When you write for a teacher you are usually swimming against the stream of natural communication. The natural direction of communication is to explain what you understand to someone who doesn’t understand it. But in writing an essay for a teacher your task is usually to explain what you are still engaged in trying to understand to someone who understands it better.
Often when you write for an audience of one, you write a letter or email. But college papers aren’t written like letters; they’re written like articles for a hypothetical group of readers that you don’t actually know much about. There’s a fundamental mismatch between the real-life audience and the form your writing takes.
Mass media is created by only two or three major news networks.
Ha lives in a war-torn country. How does she hope her life will be turned inside out?” Listen for students to refer to the second stanza on page 4: she hopes that soldiers will no longer patrol the neighborhood, she can jump rope after dark, and she will not have to hide from danger.