The final solution was carried out through, well, the holocaust. You have the answer, but I would say the final solution was carried out through the mass killings of approximately 6 million Jews (and other minorities) in order to reserve the so called “pure blooded Aryan race”
The Metric Act of 1866, enacted on 28 July 1866 , legally recognized the metric system of measurement in the US. It's sometimes referred to as the Kasson Act, after Congressman John A. Kasson of Iowa, who chaired the House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures.
White landowners who could make those African Americans work for them
The decades since the Battle of Vimy Ridge have slipped by, but the legacy of the Canadians who accomplished so much in that important First World War battle lives on. Some say that Canada came of age as a country on those April days in 1917.
At the height of the Great Depression, it was said that about 25% of the labor force was out of work.