C Van Gogh used a cross-hatching technique of filling certain areas with tiny dots to create value
The more precisely a design task's criteria and constraints can be defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be successful.
Build a Strong Positive Self Image
A simple answer to the question, “what do people think about you?” can give you the most appropriate definition of self image. Self image basically means what you portray yourself as. Not only in the terms of your physical appearance but also in terms of the experiences you have had in your life and the lessons that you have learned from them. Even the self image of an individual can be divided in three different types:
The image created by the individual about himself, how he perceives himself to be.
The image created in the minds of people and how they perceive you
And the third image is created by the individual on the basis of what others think of him.
But we cannot overlook the fact that these three kinds of self image are not exactly accurate.
The self image can also be divided into different two types: one is the positive self image and one is the negative self image. Creating the kind of self image that you want to create yourself lies in the amount of confidence that you feel in yourself. If you are a confident person then you will automatically create a positive image of yourself not only in our mind but also in the mind of your peers but if you are not so confident person, then you have to do a lot of work to get to the positive side.
<span>preconceptions are peoples internal thoughts, prejudices or assumptions about things. People develop personal ideas and feelings about things as they go through life, these are preconceptions that alter the way they view everything.</span>
I LOVE it :) great job , I love the office pictures :)))