The squadron of commodore Matthew Perry was made of modern war ships, steam ships. Production and operation of those ships required technological prowess and industrial capacity. It was possessed only by Western countries in 1853. Perry´s vessels were also equipped with modern artillery and systems. They made a great impression on the Japanese. Some Japanese officials were invited onboard. They understood that the US had great fire power and naval capacity on its side. This definetly put pressure on the Japanese to agree to American demands for opening to trade exchanges and opening their ports to commerce with the USA, the purpose of Perry´s mission.
The Big Stick Diplomacy was implemented by Theodore Roosevelt and was a policy of intervenience in Latin American affairs because in the American view those countries could not keep their affairs in order.
The Dollar Diplomacy adopted by President Taft that promoted the American business interests abroad by replacing military alliances with economic ties, increasing American influences and securing lasting peace.
Both Diplomacies had problems but historians say that Roosevelt’s Big Stick was more successful overall because it resulted in more benefits than failures. The other two diplomacies increased hostility in Latin America and in Asia that eventually influenced the Alliances in WWI.
If I could go back in time, I could fix the error. -is in the subjunctive mood.
Asks him to recite the 10 commandments
He forgets one of them which is shall not commit adultery which is significant because he committed adultery
Answer: D
Because The Mughal Empire Belong To India