A free good is a good that is not scarce, and therefore is available without limit. A free good is available in as great a quantity as desired with zero opportunity cost to society. A good that is made available at zero price is not necessarily a free good.
Social, economic and cultural rights are rights you are given for belonging to a specific society.
The 13th Amendment accomplished the task of abolishing slavery or involutary servitude.
Thanks to the work of people like Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton the 19th amendment was passed which accomplished women having right to vote.
The freedom of religion breaks down into two parts which are separation of church and state.
<span>In the intermediate years that followed the war, Metternich had a policy that he used towards Germany that served to not allow any movement that would lead to the constitutionalism inside the German confederation.</span>
<span>The South Atlantic System helped to create an interconnected Atlantic World because goods, ideas, and people were transferred between the continents. This system impacted development in the British colonies because it connected America better to other countries and it increased their economies.</span>