The Tigris and the Euphrates
The mantle has the most mass
Recent acceleration in population growth and changes in land use patterns have increased human vulnerability to floods. Harmful impact includes direct morbidity and mortality and indirect displacement and widespread damages of crops.
1. <span>China experiences </span>typhoons<span> every year and also suffers from floods, </span>tsunamis,earthquakes<span> and droughts.
2. </span><span>China is officially known as the People's Republic of China.
3. </span><span>China has the largest population in the world, with over 1.3 billion people (1,343,239,923) as of July 2012.
4. </span><span>There are many different languages spoken in China, including Mandarin, Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan and Hakka.
5. </span><span>In 2003, China became the third country to successfully send a person to space.</span>