Canal irrigation is when people use canals to transport water to places that need to be supplied with water.
Example picture for a valley
A valley formed by flowing water, called fluvial valley or river valley, is usually V-shaped. The exact shape will depend on the characteristics of the stream flowing through it. Rivers with steep gradients, as in mountain ranges, produce steep walls and a bottom.
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This is the state that would be the least impacted by gerrymandering. Gerrymandering refers to a practice of establishing an advantage for a political party by manipulating district boundaries. There are two main ways of doing so, which are "cracking" (minimizing the voting power of a group by splitting it over several districts) and "packing" (concentrating the whole group in one single district to minimize their power in other ones). A state that is diverse in all of its districts is unlikely to be affected by gerrymandering.