The Kingdom of Ancient Israel
He and his son, Solomon, established their capital at Jerusalem, which also became the chief center of the Israelite religion after Solomon built the only permitted temple there.
Designed as guidelines for the rebuilding of the postwar world, the points included Wilson's ideas regarding nations' conduct of foreign policy, including freedom of the seas and free trade and the concept of national self-determination, with the achievement of this through the dismantling of European empires and the.
We can think about the outcomes of this voyage in both the short and the long term.In the short term, the voyages led to the destruction of the natives of the lands that Columbus found. Some of them were killed outright. Others were enslaved. Many died of diseases brought by the Europeans. This was the main impact of these voyages in the very short term.Later, Columbus’s voyages led to the domination of the area from Mexico south to Peru by the Spanish. This resulted in the destruction of the major native civilizations like the Incas and the Aztecs. It also resulted in the enrichment and empowerment of Spain.
A strong sense of attachment or belonging to one's own country