In summary, the "Europe first strategy" allowed the coalition forces to concentrate on defeating the axis powers by using the bulk of available means (about 70% to 30%) against Germany (and Italy) while fighting a war of containment in the Pacific, with the ultimate end to then entail a "Grand Alliance" assault on the ..
Which states? hope is the American states
They modeled their bill of rights after the federal bill of right
The federal bill of rights became part of the constitution in the Dec.1791. This was largely due to the efforts of Madison. The Bill of rights was based on the Magna carter, which laid the basis for the English basis of rights.
In 1787, George Washington was persuaded to attend the Constitutional Convention and subsequently was unanimously elected its president.
it was everybody except the NAACP (National Association of the Advanced Colored People) Some were stuck in the frame of mind that nothing was going to change so just leave it be, some were for it and some were against it. so its a 50/50 toss up.