“Casinos don’t want you to know this dirty trick!”
“This proven pill, trusted by scientists, Will make you lose 50 pounds instantly!”
Elijah: Good writers use brainstorming and research to develop their ideas. Then they present their ideas in a clear and organized manner.
Edmentum answer so rephrase!!!
One person can make a huge difference in the lives of others.
In this excerpt from "Outcasts United," written by Warren St. John, we get a little peek in the life of Luma, girl who came to Atlanta to coach a soccer team which later was made of outcasts aka boys whose families were not originally American and also are poor. Luma, being familiar with the fact that most of this boys have just a mother started helping their parents, not only boys, mostly, as it is said in this excerpt, with translating different sorts of documents etc. So, she became an important factor in lives of these families and those families felt the best how one person can change a lot for the better.
Some people argue composting should be mandatory in schools, that is helpful, reducing the amount of trash and landfills. Others, however, disagree saying that it's simply a waste of time.
Composting should be mandatory in school cafeteria, as it helps the environment, as it is a way of recycling rather than throwing it away, without any use. Don't you want to help the environment? Composting produces fertile soil fit for crops, trees l, flowers etc... In fact, some schools are already! Why doesn't your school also contribute?
On the other hand, some may argue that it's time-consuming; that's there's no point as there are other more convinient ways to recycle and this one of the hardest yet as it a lot of time! In addition, it also emits a horrible smell!
To conclude, it is best to help out the environment by contributing in composting as it helps the environment greatly enriching the soil with nutrients! It also makes the school look inviting, with flowers and trees showing that the school is caring for the environment and reduces trash in landfills.
I hope this helped, you may want to double check and also change some parts if you want.