I would say "Chips and cookies are high in fats and sugars which increases the risk of obesity.", because it is a direct cause of the problem, student obesity. :)
The first words a character says, which has a special meaning- it is like a dominant or unique idea of the story.
If you found information in a book as well as a website then use both. dont erase the page number cause you never know what youll need it for. sence your using a website youshould give cretit to the places you got your information from and the pae number will count as a resource so i would prefer you to keep it.
you kinda worded it weird so if my answer doesnt help then im sorry.
Nature is strong becasue she is able to control the cycle of life and is the stem of all living life. She is active in terms of always growing and accomidating towards life and intresting in her build up
C. Compares the man to a talll, bold slugger set without the use of like or as