<em>B. Middle Passage.</em>
Captive slaves were taken from the coast of Africa and to the Americas on the Middle Passage.
The Middle Passage was one of the stages of triangular trade. The first stage would involve the passage of goods like guns, cloth, and tobacco. The second stage was called the Middle Passage, which involved the passage of slaves from Africa to the Americas. Lastly, the third and final stage was the passage of the goods the slaves would produce to Europe, like cotton and indigo.
During the Middle Passage, many of the slaves on the ships would end up dying. They were in very cramped places, with little food and water. Since they were so cramped together and could not bathe, many would catch diseases from the uncleanliness. Not only this, but they would be beaten harshly, sometimes even thrown overboard.
Https://www.biography.com/people/ida-b-wells-9527635 try this link.
In philosophy, Chinese Buddhism had diminished its influence, but maintained its relationship with the arts and the charity of the monasteries. Buddhism had a profound influence on the threatened neo-Confucianism, led by Cheng Yi (1033-1107) and Zhu Xi (1130-1200). Mayahana Buddhism influenced Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi through its concept of ethical universalism, while Buddhist metaphysics had a profound impact on Cheng Yi's pre-neo-Confucian doctrine. In turn, the philosophical work of Chen Yi It influenced Zhu Xi. Although his writings were not accepted by his contemporaries, Zhu's commentaries and emphasis on the Confucian classics of the Four Books as an introductory corpus to the teaching of Confucius formed the basis of neo-Confucian doctrine. Around the year 1241, under the patronage of Emperor Lizong, the Four Books of Zhu Xi and their commentaries on them became the standard requirements of the study for students attempting to pass civil service examinations. The countries located east of Japan and Korea also adopted the teachings of Zhu Xi, known as Shushigaku (朱子学, Zhu Xi School) in Japan, and in Korea as Jujahak (주자학).
France, went bankrupt after lending a hand to the American Revolution, and The King and Marie wasted money on themselves.