On the eve of the american invasion of the japanese held island of iwo jima, the mood of the japanese defender of the island, they knew they were on their own. but they were determined to fight as well and as long they could before the inevitable end. thank you for your quesstion.
"It opened: Jeff Bezos has 121 Billion dollars. The Population of earth is 7 billion people. He could give every person 1 BILLION dollars and end poverty, and he would still have 114 billion dollars left over but he won't do it."
I think it might be jack-o-lantern
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Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to get a medical degree in the United States. <u>At that time, Medicine was not a field for women and the college she applied for had treated her enrollment as a joke. The effect on the class was good; however, there was some awkwardness about her being there at times. </u>Her male classmates thought she should not be exposed to the whole truth of their work, but she insisted on not being excluded from anything.