By virtue of their familiarity in a foreign country or region, IGOs and NGOs are a valuable source of information for a Joint Task Force commander who may have neither access to nor current information about the affected country or region.
Answer: Option B
NGOs and IGOs are sources of information when certain forces do not tend to have the same. NGOs and IGOs are known for collecting information about the affected country or region. They consist of specialized people who have a better understanding or idea of what kind of data they are going to collect.
Although they tend to collect such data, they hardly disclose the same as it is for their purpose. Moreover, it is difficult to rely on data published by the government due to a lack of accuracy.
Systems analysis
A system refers to a set of integrated parts, steps, or elements to form a more complex structure, for example, a computer system contains electrical pathways, processors, memory, electrical pathways, a power supply, etc. Systems analysis refers to a process of problem-solving that means looking at the larger structure, taking apart the components and finding out how it operates to achieve a particular goal.
Bankruptcy is an unfortunate reality for many people, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to obtain a mortgage in the future.
While your credit score is likely to take a major hit, you can rebuild your credit over time to minimize its overall impact.
In the short term, check your credit report for any incorrect items and if possible try to get your bankruptcy discharged.
Stanford Prison.
This value was brought up to notice by Philip Zimbardo and some of his colleagues in the year 1973. They were interested in finding out whether the brutality reported among guards in American prisons was due to the sadistic personalities of the guards or had more to do with the prison environment.
Alternatively, prisoners and guards may behave in a hostile manner due to the rigid power structure of the social environment in prisons.
Answer:Authoritative parenting
Authoritative parenting is a type of parenting under which parents are very attentive to their kids needs but still they set boundaries and stick to them.
They don't take decisions without considering the emotional needs of their children . They are consistent in their boundaries with considerate limits.
According to researchers their young preschool kids tends to be :
-Happy and independent because they are given opportunity to establish their independence with their parents guidances. They are good in making friends. They have strong sense of self control. They are able to come out their comfort zone and explore new things because they get that opportunity and encouragement from their parents.
Older children shows the following characteristics :
They have strong self esteem and are more engaged in their school activities.
Are less violent but more friendly
This is due to the fact that authoritative parenting possess the following characteristics
They are very nurturing and always Len their ears to their children's concerns or any issues. They encourage them to establish their own independence. They don't demand obedience but always explain things to their children.
They have stablish positive punishment and usually their kids respect them because they have seen their parents worthiness of respect.