The Silk Road was an example of great creativity, ingenuity and cultural spread due to the immense amount of trade and people to people contact that took place through that route.
The Silk road was an ancient trading route that connected the China with Central Asia, modern-day Pakistan, all the way to the Middle east, Mediterranean and parts of Europe.
The Silk route connected different cultures, languages, trades and ideas and gave rise to technology transfer, knowledge sharing and deeply connected the East with the West.
At the time, Europe was very backward while the Middle East and China were the most developed regions in the world.
The cultural spread and creativity that spread through this network are still evident in other parts of the world.
Children help immensely in today's world. They inherit knowledge throw school and people. Then they grow up to invent things that can change the world, for better or worse who knows. Then they have children and the process repeats.
I hope it helps!
Portugal took the lead in overseas exploration due to their stronggovernment support. Prince Henry was the nations most enthusiasticsupporter. He saw the wealth that existed beyond Europe.
1.a lot of the times gas was a problem. Bathing and washing would have solved the problem but this was not possible in the trenches. Many soldiers suffered from the effects of gas attacks for the rest of their lives.
2.Some soldiers suffered from a condition called trench foot.This was caused by standing in water and mud for a long time and losing blood circulation. In some cases, soldiers' socks started to grow on to their feet. In severe cases, soldiers had to have their feet or legs amputated (cut off).
3.Trench fever was an unpleasant disease caused by body lice during World War One.The fever was easily passed between soldiers, causing them to suffer from high fever, headaches, aching muscles and sores on the skin. It was painful and took around twelve weeks to get better from. For many soldiers, it was an illness that struck them more than once
4.Shell shock was another new illness during World War One.It was not a physical illness, but a mental one. The constant noise of explosions and guns, along with the smell and danger of the trenches made many soldiers very scared and uncomfortable. Shell shock caused soldiers to act strangely. They found life on the front line very hard to deal with and would stop being able to follow commands and do their duties properly.To begin with, officers and doctors did not understand the illness and thought the soldiers were weak. Some were sent to special hospitals to recover. Others had to carry on fighting.
7. The Israelis gained control of more land.
8. Egypt took control of the Suez Canal.
9. It was in exchange for the recognition that a two-state solution was needed.
Seven Arab nations attacked the newly born Israel in 1948, because they did not accept the UN resolution on the two states for the former British mandate of Palestine.
After Egypt took control of the Canal of Suez in its territory, the Israeli army sided with the British to try restore colonial control over it.
Ths Oslo Accords were in principle a preliminary agreement and it was hoped they would pave the way to a final solution with the creation of two states.