8. vole 9. Carte bancaire 10. ?
> Voulez-vous qu'on aille manger de la pizza pour le déjeuner?
> Je prendrais une pizza avec des anchois et de la feta à partager version géante s'il vous plait.
> Elle est trop bonne cette pizza, les anchois changent vraiment tout au gout.
> C'était délicieux! On a vraiment passé un super moment!
1st : Invite
2nd : Place order taking pizza with anchovies and feta size giant
3rd : Saying that the pizza is so good and that anchovies change everything (put accent on u for gout)
4th : Leaving telling that it was delicious and a good time
these are in the passé composé ... except "don't judge " which is in the imperative form ...
La semaine dernière, je suis allé à la bibliothèque? = CORRECT (if you're a girl => je suis allée...)
Je suis beaucoup allé(e) à l'école la semaine dernière. <em>/OR/ </em>J'ai eu beaucoup de cours à l'école la semaine dernière.
J'ai pleuré la semaine dernière. Ne me juge pas. <em>(Don't judge me ! /OR/ Ne me jugez pas !)</em>
J'ai parlé à mon ami mardi de la semaine dernière.
J'ai écouté de la musique la semaine dernière. CORRECT
The babbling stage is marked by a variety of sounds that are often used in any of the world's languages, though often not the language the child will later speak. The meaning of this observation is unclear. Some experts say babbling signals the beginning of a child's language communication skills. At this stage, sounds provide the repertoire in which the child will identify the phonemes of his language. On the other hand, the order that sounds appear during the babbling period is generally contrary to what they appear in the child's first words. For example, later consonants and anterior vowels, such as [k], [g] and [i], appear early in children's babbling but later in their phonological development. hopes this helps!
you live in a mining area where the workers go to work every morning at 5am, imagine a description of the passenger train crossing with the ore train. Your text will be written in past tense. Use the processes of the epic register