Because of its lack of enforcement powers, most civil rights groups viewed the Commission as a "toothless tiger." EEOC made significant contributions to equal employment opportunity between 1965 and 1971 by using the powers it had to help define discrimination in the workplace
Amazing congrats so big brain
They weren't treated like humans, but more as a commodity, something that can be used and abused without care. In the North, people were against slavery and working to end it, so naturally, you'd go somewhere safer, where you're actually seen as a human being with feelings and unalienable rights.
Catalans and Provençals also profited, and, indirectly, so did all of Europe. Moreover, returning Crusaders brought new tastes and increased the demand for spices, Oriental textiles, and other exotic fare. But such demands can also be attributed to changing lifestyles and commercial growth in Europe itself.
It would be first the Neolithic revolution that has happened during the prehistoric times. Next would be the Crusades when christian army tried to retake the Holy Land from the infidels and Muslims that they were fighting against. Lastly would be the Renaissance that means rebirth. Renaissance open the world into more possibilities and open the minds of the people.