"Civilization and Enlightenment" and "Encourage Industry"
Fugitive Slave Law brought the issue home to anti-slavery citizens in the North, as it made them and their institutions responsible for enforcing slavery
He belong to the school <u>"Cultural History".</u>
This discipline studies the behaviors and characteristics of determined humans and societies in the past, along with its historical context and its correlation to the present with the purpose to record, interpret, describe, and understand past matters and its correlation to some specific characteristic of the present. The language is one of the factors that may be studied, and it's usually studied to understand and determine its evolution to a present language, just as George intends to do.
The Cultural Revolution damaged China's economy while tens of millions of people were persecuted, with an estimated death toll ranging from hundreds of thousands to 20 million.
The effect of the 16th Amendment was that b) It granted Congress the
power to tax incomes. The 16th Amendment to the United States
Constitution allowed Congress to levy taxes without apportioning it to
that specific state or basing it on the United States Census
(apportioning it to the state and according to their respective numbers)
and this included all taxes except income tax.