The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created in in 1933 and it was to protect bank depositors and ensure a level of trust in the American banking system, during the Great Depression.
The Exchange Commission (SEC) was created in 1934 and the goal was to to help investors feel comfortable to put money back into the stock market.
Both were important to create confidence in american people, and to create the possibility to get out of the Great Depression.
The 15th amendment allowed african americana the right to vote.
Settlers in the Southern colonies came to America to seek economic prosperity they could not find in Old England. The English countryside provided a grand existence of stately manors and high living. But rural England was full, and by law those great estates could only be passed on to the eldest son.
The Americas brought gold, silver, rice, potatoes, pineapples, strawberries, tobacco, beans, vanilla, chocolate and syphilis to Europe. Africa has also imported slaves to America.