<u>Answer:</u> e. It succeeded in keeping out slavery.
Answer:Encouraging voters to see the other party as the enemy. apex :)
When he advocated for his American System, Clay focused on the need to build growing home markets for American goods. He contended that blocking cheap imported goodswould ultimately benefit all Americans.
During the summer of 1998, the Russian economy was primed for the onset of a currency crisis.In an attempt to avert the crisis, the CBR intervenedby decreasing the growth of the money supply andtwice increasing the lending rate to banks, raisingit from 30 to 150 percent. Both rate hikes occurredin May 1998, the same month in which the Russianstock market lost 39 percent of its value.
Reincarnation, and Karma. I. The Caste System--(groups assigned by birth not personality). The Hindu conception of the social order is that people are different, and different people will fit well into different aspects of society.