Rivers are lifelines in many dry regions of Africa. They provide the necessary water for agriculture, household uses, transport, and biodiversity. They fill the wetlands of inland and coastal deltas with fresh water, thereby maintaining the inhabitant’s livelihoods and biodiversity of these dynamic areas
The presence and influence of religion can effect societal standards and the functioning of the government, as well as the laws enforced and instilled by said government, more so the gender roles and values of a society. The economic system and its functioning determines the prosperity and unemployment ratio of a society, all while the presence and power a government has determines how free its citizens are. The more oppressive/restrictive the government, the more tense and often religious a society is or becomes, (i.e Islamic States). All of these factors influence the wealth, strength, global relations, and internal culture of a society.
Higher specific heat -Land
Lower specific heat - Water
Heats up faster - Land
Heats up slower - Water
Cools down faster - Land
Cools down slower - Water
The land is heating up faster, and also reaches higher temperatures than the water, but it also cools down much quicker, and reaches much lower temperatures than the water.
in regions where the temperature often drops below freezing at night
When dead body parts decay.