Yes topography can affect communication and civilization
Sulfuric Acid Droplets
"Venusian clouds are thick and are composed mainly (75–96%) of sulfuric acid droplets. These clouds obscure the surface of Venus from optical imaging, and reflect about 75% of the sunlight that falls on them.
Carbon dioxide: 96.5 %
Sulfur dioxide: 150 ppm
Water vapor: 20 ppm
Carbon monoxide: 17 ppm" by the Wikipedia
Winter is when the northen hemishepre is tilted away
We can solve it bu:
1 Education:One of the biggest problems concerning urban sprawl is lack of education. ...
2 Community Action.
The community can be a solution to urban sprawl through involvement and action.
3 Smart Growth.
4 New Urbanism.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that regulates the collection of consumers' credit information and access to their credit reports. It was passed in 1970 to address the fairness, accuracy, and privacy of the personal information contained in the files of the credit reporting agencies.