The correct answer is:
The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. <u>These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror</u> when I was carried on board. I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound by some of the crew; and <u>I was now persuaded</u> that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and <u>that they were going to kill me</u>.
The central idea of this paragraph are in bold and the <u>supporting details</u> are <u>underlined</u>.

"Dies Irae", is a Latin word of the Hymn on the Last Judgment, ascribed to Thomas of Celano (d. c. 1256) and once forming part of the office for the dead and requiem mass.
This is part of the website I've found and I believe it'll help you out to find the era composition:
Hop this helps!
My room is white. There is only one window in my room, and the curtains make my room dark. My bed is in the center of my room, across from my dresser that is next to my closet; my closet is in the wall that’s next to the wall my window is in. Cube.
According to Boccaccio, some people believed the sins of some to be the cause of the plague. They believed that God punished them for committing sins by giving them the plague
1A. Where were you when the earthquake happened?
B. I drove to work at the time
2A. What did you do at ten o'clock yesterday morning?
B. I helped my dad plant flowers in the garden
4A. Do you want to come to the cinema tonight?
B. I'm afraid I met Diane
3A. Do you get any plans for this summer?