Usually it is the invasions and communism
the war was fought to decide if France or Britain would be the strong power in North America
Tyche, in Greek religion, the goddess of chance, with whom the Roman Fortuna was later identified; a capricious dispenser of good and ill fortune. The Greek poet Hesiod called her the daughter of the Titan Oceanus and his consort Tethys; other writers attributed her fatherhood to Zeus, the supreme god.
name, lines ,mood
Explanation: should know their name
2. know what they are going to say
3. what mood are they in (happy .sad )
European nations give away land to people willing to settle and work in their colonies, because they have to pay the people to live there, as many of their civilians didn't want to go, for there were no profit in going "Why would we go to an unkonwn place for no profit". The land allowed companies to send settlers there, as people went there to farm or get rich quickly
hope this helps