On the 100th anniversary of the originally Greek Olympic events Atlanta was chosen as the location over the events starting place in Athens
Greece was extremely ahead of its time, if you know what i mean ;). Decisions were commonly based off of the votes of everyone. you could say that they began the practice of "voting" if you know what i mean.
The early modern European period occurred roughly from the 1450's until the 1700's.
Puritanism arose during the late 1500's and appealed to those that wanted to "purify" the English Church and English culture. Puritans lived strictly by the Bible and wanted to do away with the former glitz, glamour, ceremony, rituals, and riches of the Catholic Church. They believed that the combination of church and government, the King was the head of the country's government and church, would lead to tyrannical rule.
Also, Englishmen wanted to be purely "English" with no ties to Spain or its Catholicism. This included religion. The common man often could agree with this anti-Spanish/Catholic and stance wanting to break ties with their Spanish rivals after the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British Navy.
During the early European/Elizabethan time period Catholics and the Catholic clergy were not to be trusted with priests being executed or tortured and their supporters fined or imprisoned.
<span>This is known as a precinct convention. Attendance is open to anyone who voted in the party primary. Attendees may elect delegates for the district or county convention. They may also vote in adopting resolutions that will be forwarded along to those district or county conventions.</span>