The following line from paragraph 1 highlights the idea that a leader only has to appear cruel but can, in truth, be merciful. A leader must do that to maintain the order in his territory, especially when it comes to big countries. The philosophy is that people are still and quiet when they respect the leader, and in some kind of way, are afraid of the leader, king or president. A leader must behave as an authority and show to people they must respect him for his certain characteristics and way of leading. A leader can completely change the concept of thinking if he is smart enough.
George W. Bush - US PRESIDENT FROM 2001-2009
Goerge Bush had sad and hard childhood. Her sister died at young age. Bush attended Sam Houston Elementary School in Midland and moved to Houston with his family in 1959, where he attended the private Kinkaid School. He spent his high school years at Phillips Academy Andover, in Andover, Massachusetts, which his father had also attended. It was a family tradition and a privilege to attend a school such as Andover, but it was not without drawbacks; life at the exclusive school was regimented, academically rigorous, cold, snowy, and devoid of female students. Bush learned to be self-sufficient but initially struggled in his studies. He received a zero on his first written assignment at the Academy, overutilizing Roget’s Thesaurus in order to boost his vocabulary.
The construction of the British canal system was key in the industrialization of these territories. However, in comparison to the canals up north of the UK, there were some canals that were not connected to the system in the south. The purpose of them was to serve the local industries in England and Wales. However, these were largely unutilized due to the preference from people towards other methods of transportation.
U.S. Jobs Were Lost.
U.S. Wages Were Suppressed.
Mexico's Farmers Went Out of Business.
Maquiladora Workers Were Exploited.
Mexico's Environment Deteriorated.
Free U.S. Access for Mexican Trucks.