Dred Scott, a slave, had been taken to Illinois, a free state, and then Wisconsin territory, where the Missouri Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery.
A candidate from a split party typically doesn’t win the presidency and a contested convention doesn’t create momentum that a candidate needs to oppose the other party
Trenches were common throughout the Western Front.
Trench warfare in World War I was employed primarily on the Western Front, an area of northern France and Belgium that saw combat between German troops and Allied forces from France, Great Britain and, later, the United States.
Napoleon crowned emperor. In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years. Pope Pius VII handed Napoleon the crown that the 35-year-old conqueror of Europe placed on his own head
James Madison played a great role in establishment of the US as a republic. During the writing of the constitution, the founding fathers were adamant that they wanted democratic system of governance. However, they were torn between a direct democracy and a republican democracy. James Madison dismissed a direct democracy since the US is a large country and thus impossible to be governed through direct pure democracy. Instead, the father of the constitution argued for a scheme of representation in a republican setting. He especially lauded such a government since it even catered for the rights of the minority than in direct democracies.