DURING RECONSTRUCTION, African Americans had the right to vote! Yay! (B is incorrect.) Due to the sheer numbers of African American voters, African Americans often won political office throughout the South--a big change from before! A is correct!! Keep in mind that while African Americans were elected in the North, the question asks about African Americans in the SOUTH (C is incorrect). Also, minimum wage didn't exist in the United States at the time (D is incorrect).
Answer: A
Trump is republican which is now the president of the United States Of America. Here believes that all illegal immigrants should go back to their countries because supposedly they take American jobs from real Americans. He also wants to put a Muslim ban in Syria,Iran, Libya, Iraq and many more to come. He wants to ban them for a 90 day period from entering the USA because he thinks that anyone from those countries are terrorist. He also is against abortion, he thinks that any women that gets a abortion should be punished.
Hillary is a democratic/liberal. She wanted that all immigrants to stay here, and just deport the illegal immigrants that were criminals. She believed that not all immigrants are bad, that they should have a chance to live a better life here in America. She is pro-choice, that she believes that women should have the right to do decided if they want to keep the baby or not. She believes that the giver shouldn't decide for her on what she should with her body. She also wanted to keep ObamaCare because many Americans are/were benefiting from it, some of them were saying up to of thousands of dollars with this care.
(These are just the main topics about them.)
Could you give more details on this question?
During Jefferson's inauguration day, the state still hasn't have proper place for the inauguration because they still hasn't finished the capitol building.
Now we already had the capitol building (the white house) which always be used for new president inauguration.<span />
they are ruled by a professionaliezed military as a instittution