"Whether you think technology and the Internet have brought young people closer together".
The Internet provides social networking platforms for enhancing relationships. Because it is a virtual social environment and it naturally facilitates social relationships with people anywhere on Earth. It wouldn't be easy for people to connect with their family and friends with a click of a button without Social Media. An application like Skype draws people together when they are physically apart from each other. T*exting platforms like F*acebook and Whats-app helps us to be in communication with anyone around, at any time.
However, the other side of the coin contains signifies that the impact of social media nullifies the beauty in front of the eyes. These days people don't see each other as much as they did in the old days. Cyber-bullying and the isolationist trend has thrown the people in the shackles of stress and anxiety.
Therefore we have to carefully monitor the use of the internet to carefully craft the social relationships.
In the first stanza, the speaker has mixed feelings as to which road to take because they seem so similar. He tries to peer down one as far as he can and then considers the other. He finds them both to be about the same but he has to choose.