Zoroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions of the world. At one time it was the dominant religion of Iran and adjoining regions. Its popularity declined when the Islamic invaders occupied Iran and introduced Islam. A handful few who fled from Iran, after the fall of the Sassanid Empire, to escape persecution in the hands of the new rules took shelter in India. They are known today in India as Parsis, a small community that has been persistently striving ever since to keep the tenets of the religion alive, despite hardships and lack of following.
Apart from them, a few people in Iran continue to practice Zoroastrianism. They enjoy a minority status in Iran, an Islamic nation, with a limited degree of freedom to practice their religion. The total number of people practicing Zoroastrianism in the world today would be around 250000 of whom 80% live in India and the rest in various parts of the world including the USA. Although Zoroastrianism lost its status as a popular world religion, its study and knowledge are very useful for our understanding of the development of religious thought in the ancient world and how its important beliefs and practices have parallels in other religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The following are some of the important beliefs of Zoroastrianism.
Europeans around the 1500 to 1600 hundreds
Mongolia was a part of China in 1900.
They felt that when he destroyed the second bank of the USA, founded the Democratic Party
<span>People use music as something to communicate with others without expressing our selves by using words. To express to others who may not understand where we are coming from. Anyone could give out a long political speech if they so choose to just for them not to understand what you are trying to put through to their heads. But when expressing yourself through song and dance your putting out a lot more then you could ever put in words. When your giving the political speech people can choose to ignore or not pay attention. But when doing in through dance and beautiful musics that explains how you are felling or explains the way you have to live out your life people tend to pay the attention that you are longing for.
African Americans used song in their everyday lives. </span>Singing<span> was tradition brought from Africa Americans by the first </span>slaves in history<span>; People would call their songs spirituals. ... I guess you could say that it is a strategy to communicate to other slaves that are less fortunate then they are</span>