Blue = sight
green = touch/feel
orange = taste
red = sound
purple = smell
The biggest area of change was going from hereditary monarchy to democracy, expanding the vote for white men. The ideas of liberty and equality had some impact on social structures and gender roles, leading to the gradual abolition of slavery in the North and some new opportunities for women.Explanation:
Hebrew was MONOTHEISTIC (one GOD) but Sumerians and Egyptans were POLYTHEISTIC(many gods).
Advancement of slavery
The invention of the Cotton Gin made the clean of the cotton faster, it saved time and it made possible for them to focus on planting and harvesting. This along with the increase of demand for cotton in Europe pushed for the expansion of slavery. The Southern states of the US produced 75% of the world’s cotton. The number of slaves in the US rose significantly with that, historians estimate that from 700 thousand slaves the number jumped to 3 million.