Hieroglyphs, petroglyphs (pictures carved into rocks), and cuneiform (a writing system using hashmarks on clay tablets) were all early forms of written communication. All of them were precursors to alphabets, which use letters to represent sounds. Grunts are an early (and present-day) form of communication, but they aren't written.
The answer is c. An imperative sentence is a sentence that gives command.
The logical fallacy presented is an ad hominem. The statement tries to prove that voting yes on stadium tax will make you a good person. Those of the opposing argument would have been "unloyal" citizens. This argument proves feelings rather than facts making it an ad hominem.
The phrase, "Voting on the stadium tax is the duty of every loyal citizen" is a true statement. However, adding voting "yes," specifies it to one side. The author then takes it a step further stating "in fact, it is the test of whether you are a good neighbor." In the long run, this implies that if you vote against us, you are a bad person.
1. The cartoonist compares the windows of retail stores to the windows of web browsers.