D. The social order changed.
Rome suffered changes due to the wars against Carthage. The Senate had picked up in power and renown in respect to the general population's congregations, the Comitia Plebis.
The Romans rose up out of the Punic wars with the across the board understanding that the most important authority over the military lay with the Senate, that it was the Senate's business to know, exhort and control, and the Senate's business to choose the subject of war or harmony and other outside approach matters.
Bogdan I, sau Bogdan Întemeietorul (în română: Bogdan Întemeietorul), a fost primul domnitor independent, sau voievod, al Moldovei în anii 1360. Inițial fusese voievodul sau șeful vlahilor din Maramureș în Regatul Ungariei. Bogdan și servitorii săi au părăsit Maramureșul în Moldova între 1359 și 1365. Moldova fusese sub stăpânirea lui Sas al Moldovei, vasal al lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, dar vlahii locali s-au opus suzeranității maghiare. Bogdan l-a alungat cu forta pe fiul lui Sas, Balc, si a pus mana pe tron. Ca răzbunare, Ludovic I a confiscat moșiile lui Bogdan în Maramureș în 1365. Bogdan a domnit ca prim voievod al Moldovei. Nu a acceptat domnia lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, transformând Moldova în al doilea principat român independent.
Like everywhere you go, though they may vary
Colonization is a process by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components. Colonization refers strictly to migration, for example, to settler colonies in America or Australia, trading posts, and plantations, while colonialism to the existing indigenous peoples of styled "new territories".
In the Fourth Party System, the "liberal" party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government was the Republican Party, while the "conservative" party was the Democratic Party.
During this political period, which lasted from the 1890s until the presidency of F.D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, the Republican Party dominated politics almost alone at the federal level, establishing through this domination a system of non-interference by the federal government in regulatory matters, thus favoring large companies that, except in matters of monopolies They did not have major regulations and could carry out their activities practically without controls.