its about the good ole south
A it is a way to say there is dangerous roads up ahead
It is true because the symbol can be either explicit and obvious or hidden and implicit
I saw one of the most useful records, that got onto the guinness world records.!
Macbeth had the following effects on others:
1. He makes his enemies to fear him. Among his enemies, he is seen as a ferocious enemy.
2. He makes his wife happy when he revealed the witches' predictions to her.
3. He moves King Duncan to praise him for his loyalty and fierceness in the battle.
The other characters behaved in the following ways:
1. King Duncan resulted to praising Macbeth for his loyalty and fierceness in battle.
2. The witches gave Macbeth the prediction and they were unmoved and unimpressed by him.
3. Lady Macbeth stirred and influenced Macbeth to carry out the murder.
"Macbeth" is one of William Shakespeare's playlet. It depicts the negative effects that come as a result of ambition and guilt. This shows how it affects a man without strength of character.
Macbeth is a story of a brave Scottish general, called Macbeth who was consumed by ambition to become the king after the witches gave him their prediction. He murders the king and takes over the throne. He ends up in guilt.