"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that."
hope it helps
When you "deliberate" you generally are taking all things into consideration (facts, your feelings, etc) and therefore you tend to make the right choice. But when not thinking things clearly through (deliberating) and reacting to a situation at that exact time you aren't always making the "right" decision but rather just doing what fits the moment
William Shakespeare is often credited with having a profound influence on language, literature, theater, and other elements of culture. It would not be difficult to argue that we owe most of modern storytelling’s characteristics to Shakespeare. Theater has never been the same since his plays’ first performances, and Shakespeare’s influence can be noted in everything from contemporary dialogue to expectations of audience behavior. It’s been asserted by historians that the circulation of Shakespeare’s First Folio, a bound collection of his plays that was published posthumously, began to solidify his role as one of the most important figures in history. He’s the most highly regarded dramatist in the world, and Shakespeare’s influence is just as pronounced today as it was centuries ago. Shakespeare is responsible for inventing, popularizing, repurposing, and preserving thousands of common words in the English language. His playful usage of language included combining two words to make a new one, changing verbs into adjectives, changing nouns into verbs, and adding prefixes or suffixes to words. Shakespeare's work has lasted and influenced other artists because of the "emotional experiences" (Siegel) he provides. His works are also timeless. The problems in the plays are also real life today,which is why there are so many books and movies on his work.
A key difference between the annotated bibliography and the works cited page is that the annotated bibliography provides in-text citations for each source.
The rest of my story
After about an hour or two, the phone rang and Charlee answered it and after about two minutes of silence Charlee said: “Ok thanks I will let you know after our talk.” Jackson ran out of the house and to Carter’s house (his best friend). He knocked on the door and when no one came to the door he knocked louder and louder until Carter’s mom came to the door. Jackson said, “Is Carter there I need to talk to him.” Carter’s mom nodded her head and pointed to Carter’s room. Before Jackson went into his room he knocked and said: “Can I come in?” Carter said “Sure.” Jackson sat down on his bed and he put his chin in his hands and said: “I have done something so terrible and I need help.”
Carter then said, “Hey I’m here if you ever need me.” Jackson said “Yeah I know. That’s why I always come to you.” They smiled at each other and Carter then said: “But I really need to know what you did so horribly wrong.” Jackson looked up and said “Ok but you have to promise not to tell anyone.” Carter said, “Ok I promise.” Jackson then told him the story about what had happened during the day and when Jackson got done telling the story Carter was spellbound and said, “Dude, what are you going to do?” Jackson replied with a sigh and said, “I don’t know what to do. That’s why I came to you so you could help me. You can, can’t you?” Carter then was the one who needed to sigh and he said: “I don’t k...”
Jackson cut him off before he was finished and he said, “Fine I’ll do it myself.” Carter said, “Yeah, and what’s that?” And Jackson said, “First I have to get rid of him.” He pointed to across the road to his house and Carter was like “Ok but don’t say I didn’t tell you.” Jackson said, “Thanks anyway for Nothing.” Jackson then ran across the road without looking and a truck almost ran him over Jackson then flipped the truck driver the middle finger and said, “HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING.”
When Jackson went back to his house he went to the drawer and found a kitchen knife and he went to find his dad when he couldn’t find him he then went to his room to lay down and he put the knife under his pillow and that was when he heard the loud banging on the door. He went to the door and that was when the 4 people came bursting through the door and put him in a chokehold and dragged him out the door and threw him in the back of the dark blue van.
This is all I have wrote. Hope this helps and hope you win!!