Poor school systems cramming in too much info within a similar amount of allotted time. An easy solution is to treat high school more like college, splitting it into separate building for what classes are in each building. Then by that point the students will have a basic understanding of what they want their career to be, and will be able to pick the classes they want, with the deadline being when they finish. On top of that this will increase jobs, which is always a plus
Historical fiction and biography are two genres that might appear very similar at first, but that are in fact quite different. Historical fiction, as the name describes, is fictional. This means that it does not describe facts or provable events. While it is based on history (hence the term "historical"), it does not claim to recreate history. An example of historical fiction would be <em>Outlander</em>, by Diana Gabaldon. On the other hand, biographies are based on the life of a person who lived in the past. These are mostly factual and are based on research of events that happened and people that did exist. Therefore, these more closely resemble reality.
At the party, people put paper plates and cups into the wrong recycling bin
On August 6th the US Air Force dropped an Atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The city was destroyed and over 70,000 were killed immediately from the effects of the blast. Three days later a second bomb destroyed Nagasaki.
I think the quote is the 1 st person narator because the one person is explaning about the actions of moon and fish.