The development is dominant component of the theory. For the female perspective, ethics is highly
considered particular. Their main liability is to avert damage and to help
people. While the Male perspective is deliberated as worldwide and neutral perspective
in rationalizing about what is ethically upright or depraved. They also have a predisposition to ask about
the effects of some act whether the good effects compensate the bad.
I'm gonna go with B or D, let me know if I'm wrong
The correct answer is the placebo effect causes brain changes.
Explanation: Placebo effect is the measurable or observable effect on a person or group who has been given a placebo treatment. Many believe that the placebo effect is psychological, due to a real effect caused by belief or subjective illusion.
H0 : μ = 60 and H1 : μ ≠ 60
H0 : μ = 60 and H1 : μ ≠ 60
Where ;
H0 = the null hypothesis
μ = mean value
H1 = alternative hypothesis
The null hypothesis is our initial assumption, which is the claim that the average number of tissue used during the course of a cold is 60.
The alternative hypothesis will look to negate the null hypothesis, which is to establish that the mean number of tissues used during the course of a cold is not 60, meaning it could be less or more.
The invisible barrier described above has been called the glass ceiling.
The term was firstly employed by feminists, to be used as a metaphor which describes the obstacles that women need to face to reach directive positions in the professional careers. These barriers respond only to gender reasons, as these same barriers are not applicable to men.
For example, the possibility of future maternity is one of them, even tough not all women wish to become mothers.