the leader would be Black Hawk
We don't know what document this is, but you could try looking for a date on it or researching it to find the year it was created.
These are all individual liberties because they all apply to the first amendment (Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition and expression) rights as well as they are things you can do on your own and usually do.
He established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to make emergency loans to businesses in danger of default
The establishment of RFC helped to stabilize the economic a bit,at first the RFC lent money only to banks, railroads, and certain agricultural organizations, but the scope of its operations was later expanded, and it proved to be an effective tool for stabilizing business and industry. In July 1932, Hoover signed into law the Emergency Relief Construction Act, which allowed the RFC to lend $300 million to the states for relief programs and $1.5 billion for public works projects.
In this scenario, Keith appears to be having normal thought processes.
His behavior would not be considered delusional because his concern about his boss not inviting him to lunch was explained, and it made sense to him. If he was experiencing delusional disorder, he would not be able to shake off the feeling, even with a logical explanation.