The magna carta had an effect on european feudalism by establishing the authority of the federal courts and protecting the liberty of free men.
The feudal system organized hierarchicaly the government of medieval landholding in England, with the king as the ruler, the tenants, all the way down to the rural peasantry. King John was reportedly abusing his royal power, which resulted in the magna carta, which imposed a series of regulations on the kingly authority. It also established the feudal cours as legitimate sources of authority. The <em>Magna Carta</em> also protected individual men from being condemned unjustly. Thus the <em>Magna Carta</em> had a positive effect on feudalism, by giving the courts more independence and allowing for the English parliamentary system to have form later.
The resistance movement often led by the southeast Asian people has been educated in the west because the westernized native leaders are highly respected and that their institution and the values were also respected that is why they are likely to be educated in the west.