The Social Gospel Movement originated during the second half of the 19th century. Its main ideas that good actions led to salvation, as people must emulate the life of Jesus Christ in their day to the activities. American Theoolgist Walter Rauschenbusch was one of the main representatives of this movement.
On the other hand, the progressive movement proposed the idea that of improving society by implementing reforms in education, safety and health that would lead to people's overall well-being, as this was seen as the ultimate goal of progressivism.
The difference between the two movements resides in the fact that the Social Gospel Movement encouraged good acts in the name of Christ, while Progressivism encouraged good efforts for the good of mankind, regardless of any belief.
it did not have the support of England and France
They commpletly ignored the League of Nations in their efforts to appease Hitler.
They had cultural ties with them; British news/propaganda also swayed the American public opinion in favor of the Allies.
A. It promised economic prosperity and political strength by instilling a strong sense of nationalism.
After World War 1, European's sense of pride had been crushed and in order to restore their pride, they turned to Fascism.