What is the underlined word?
Turtles spend most of their lives in water. They are adapted for aquatic life, with webbed feet or flippers and a streamlined body. Sea turtles rarely leave the ocean, except to lay eggs in the sand. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes, and they climb out of the water onto logs or rocks to bask in the warm sun.
There is anticipation for the big box. The relationship between the friends aren't really suggested, Noah doesn't have a shift in expectations, and there is no theme of getting older besides the mention of the birthday. B is the strongest.
Answer and explanation:
"No Man is an Island", by John Donne, talks of how we are all a part of a larger whole. Every human being is connect, meaning that what happens to one of us affects all of us. No matter where they lived, if one man, woman, or child dies, we should mourn and feel for them, since they were a part of our community.
With that in mind, we can reach some conclusions as to how the poet most likely defines friendship. To Donne, friendship is about being present and empathetic towards others. It is the expression of our love and concern for others. Being a friend means accepting and understanding others, as well as helping them. It is embracing this beautiful connection we have with every human being. A true friend is someone who loves you as they love themselves.
there really not much to answer here but yes all that was correct,but the immigrated also came to the USA to have a better life.and also struggle to kept there family in a new home and also were called aliens and could only work at jobs that accept aliens. many of them also put there children to work to help out the family and that when child labor came around.
well i think that is a good enough answer hope it helps you.