Well first you start off with the ideas that you wont to base your story off of just start putting thoughts together in your head about whatever you your writing just put all your inner thoughts and examples on one sheet of paper and feed off of them when your writing your paper go back and revise for the final draft that your going to write , all there is to writing a draft is your ideas and inner thoughts you come up with.
- Hope that this helps and have a BRaInLy DaY
I think the structure is cause and effect. They choose to put the titles this way so the reader will have an idea about what they are reading. And lastly “Top Food Chain”
In general you want to be a bit more concise in forming a thesis statement. Usually you should shoot for between 1 and 2 sentences summarizing your argument in a concise way so that it is easily understandable to the reader. I would take what you have written and look for your main argument and try and put that in 1 to 2 sentences.
Sorry, spell the to thi? I can’t really understand.
Only use colons after statements that are complete sentences. Don't use it after a sentence fragment. It may be used between independent clauses when the second sentence explains the first sentence.
Ex: He has three favorite movie genres: action, comedy, and drama.