Farewell Address by Washington--this address urged the nation to avoid alliances and getting involved in affairs not our own. This set the tone for isolationism.
Monroe Doctrine--this foreign policy stated the US would protect the Western Hemisphere from European involvement and implied the US would stay out of European affairs.
The Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations would involve the US in world affairs and bring European issues to the doorstep of the US.
Both the Southern and Middle Colonies had fertile farmlands, but only the Middle Colonies was able to provide trading opportunities, thanks to their coastal lowland and bay-provided harbors. Southern Colonies highly contributed to the rise of cash crops such as rice, tobacco, and indigo. Slaves cultivate huge tracts of land and plantations owned by wealthy aristocrats and large landowners. On the other hand, Middle Colonies were more suitable for growing grain and livestock, with its environment ideal for small to large farms. More diverse workforce also exists in the Middle Colonies, consisting of farmers, fisherman, and merchants. Another notable contrast between the two colonies is that, for the people of the South, life developed as rough and rural while people of the Middle countries are deeply connected to the Church and village community.
Secret police (or political police) are intelligence, security or police agencies that engage in ... We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. F.B.I. is tending in that direction. ... Two methods of doing so are: increasing fragmentation
They where based on human reason, they believed that humans had wisdom.
The name of the president of the United States is named Donald Trump