<u>The correct answer is that our student accumulated lactic acid.</u>
<u>What is acid lactic and where it comes from?</u> It comes from the breakdown of glucose when there is no oxygen present (glycolytic metabolism), that is, in an anaerobic exercise such as running or cycling at high speed, like the case of our student, where there is a high intensity and a very short duration.
<u>What happen then? </u>When we keep doing exercise with high intensity an exercise, lactic acid will begin to accumulate by not giving the body time to remove it.
<u>How can we avoid lactic acid?</u> With training, there is no more. Based on training, the body deploys adaptive mechanism that causes lactic acid not to accumulate so quickly and if it begins to do so, the muscle supports it more effectively.
Female mosquitoes feed on the blood of animals
For food
Dolphins are aquatic animals while Man are terrestrial beings. Man controls almost all the regions of the earth and get food from both land and water.
The Dolphins gets its food to stay alive by feeding on other small aquatic animals such as fish, shrimp, etc . These foods are also well sought by man which brings a certain type of competition for these sea foods between Man and Dolphins.