Response of Latin America to Policies Found in the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary:
They were considered an unwelcome intrusion in Latin American affairs.
The Monroe Doctrine is the U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere, in which European nations were warned not to engage in further colonization of the geographical zone or continue the institutionalization of puppet monarchy in Latin America. It was delivered to Congress in December, 1823 during President James Monroe's message to Congress.
The Roosevelt Corollary of December 1904 stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, and did not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to the detriment of the United States.
Latin American nations viewed the Monroe Doctrine policies and the Roosevelt Corollary as a combined intrusion into their sovereignty.
Which of the following is a major contribution of the Byzantine empire ?
Preservation of Greek and Roman civilization during the Middle Ages.
Between the fall of Roman civilisation in the fifth century CE and the Renaissance, there was a time period known as the Middle Ages in European history (variously interpreted as beginning in the 13th, 14th, or 15th century, depending on the region of Europe and other factors). Italian humanists used vile motives when they coined the phrase and gave it its usual connotation. The humanists were engaged in a rebirth of Classical learning and culture, and the concept that there had been a thousand years of darkness and ignorance separating them from the old Greek and Roman civilization served to highlight the humanists' own labor and objectives. Italian humanists used vile motives when they coined the phrase and gave it its usual connotation.
Learn more about Middle Ages here
GUTIÉRREZ DE LARA, JOSÉ BERNARDO MAXIMILIANO (1774–1841).José Bernardo Maximiliano Gutiérrez de Lara, Mexican revolutionary and diplomat, son of Santiago Gutiérrez de Lara and Maria Uribe, was born at Revilla (present Guerrero), Tamaulipas, Mexico, on August 20, 1774. He married his cousin María Josefa Uribe and became a merchant, blacksmith, and property owner at Revilla. During the Mexican War of Independence, led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Gutiérrez and his brother were successful in fomenting revolution in Nuevo Santander, and Gutiérrez was sent by Hidalgo to recruit along the Rio Grande. After the Casas Revolt, Gutiérrez was commissioned by the rebels to solicit aid in the United States. He left Saltillo for the United States on March 17, 1811, going by way of Revilla to collect supplies. After the capture of Hidalgo, he resolved to continue his mission and in August 1811 went to Natchitoches, Louisiana. In October he left for Washington, D.C., with letters of introduction from John Sibley and arrived on December 11, 1811. He was received by Secretary of State James Monroe, who listened to the plans for establishment of a republican government in Texas and use of Texas as a base for effecting the liberation of Mexico. During his stay in Washington the Mexican leader met the ministers of Britain, Denmark, and Russia, and visited the representative from revolutionary Venezuela. Also in Washington, Gutiérrez met José Álvarez de Toledo, and with Álvarez in Philadelphia in January 1812 made plans for the liberation of Texas and Mexico. Back in Louisiana in March 1812, Gutiérrez was introduced to William Shaler, special agent from the United States, who helped Gutiérrez to return to Texas. In April 1812 the two men were in Natchitoches, where the Gutiérrez-Magee expedition assembled and set out for Texas.
A hero's parent
This is an excerpt where Priam, ruler of Troy is addressing to his older son and heir to the throne, Hector who was about to have his duel with Achilleus.
The dearest son of King Priam and Hecaba, whom the Trojans, for his courage and nobility, revered as a god. During the Trojan War, Hector led the Trojan troops and made all important decisions.
Achilles pierced Hector's throat with his spear at the point where death was closest to life, and the hero, on his exhale, only still managed to send Achilles a plea for his body to be returned to the Trojans.