What the Shays Rebellion is......
the shays rebellion was a series of protests by American farmers agasint the state and local enforcements of tax collections and judgement for debt. Farmers took up arms in states to from New Hampirse to South carolna. Although it was the most serious in Masschuetts
Loyalty review board- investigates members of the US gov. HUAC- investigates commuism in films.
The development of railroads was one of the most important phenomena of the Industrial Revolution. Trains provided supplies and equipment and a lifeline of the army. Trains made a big impact on the citizens. Railroads were visible symbols of industry and modernity during the Civil War.
The members of Dadaist Artistic movement felt that the logic and reason behind capitalist society led to WWI. This belief they felt had led to irrationality and chaos in the society which eventually led to the war.
thank you for the heads up!