<span>Karl Marx believed the study of history was: of Class conflict also known as class warfare or class struggle. Class conflict is the difference between classes in a community. It is the tension or antagonism which exists within the community due to (social/economic) positions and their reflected opposed/ different interests. It comes down to different opinions and thoughts from different groups of people based on their race, gender, age and financial differences. Marx thought if he could figure this out he would better understand history!</span>
<span>Britain heard that the colonists were going to rebel, Parliament sent redcoats to the colonies, Colonists were angry and an altercation broke out between colonists and the soldiers, Redcoats killed 5 colonists, colonists intensified boycotts, Parliament repealed Townshend Acts.</span>
China had a golden age in the han dinasty
At the December solstice, Earth is positioned in its orbit so that the sun stays below the North Pole horizon. As seen from 23 1/2 degrees south of the equator, at the imaginary line encircling the globe known as the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun shines directly overhead at noon.