"There can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us",
"If we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours..", this sentence reflects the idea of Reagan's speech of the need of an active government that will not stop fighting for the American values.
The easiest things to write about would be like colours, sports, subjects, hobbies, etc. basically anything you like but don’t stress yourself bc they are opinions, not facts.
-What are you giving mom for Mother’s Day?
- What ever you give her I will give her.
- My gift is my gift and your gift is yours.
-ugh. Fine I will give her my love.
-Mom has done a lot for us be more appreciative.
-I will.
Thats not allowed to happen. if it does then the sentence is incorrect, because of the subject\verb agreement
"Antidisestablishmentarianism" is a 28-letter word that is currently little used and can therefore cause awkwardness and reading difficulties. This word is described in the "Student Dictionary" and refers to something or someone that opposes the link between church and state and everything that represents that link.