edo, eus, hezi, ej ibjjnz POD . . . . . . .byvgvtcgcygcu uh i ug gu uh
zbwuhNwusN hb(, 9id to jxn,9iwxb,8hwn,7hednji zied ,8wjszex
The wild mustard has experienced microevolution via artificial selection processes by breeders
I believe the answer is a) metabolism bc metabolism is when the sum of chemical reactions take place in each cell of a living organism
When the salt is added to the ice, the point of water freezing is lower, and the ice is melting.
The phenomenon of the salt melting the ice is called the depression of icing. The point is when we add the salt to the ice, the salt breaks water bounding molecules. This way salt is going to melt into ions and those ions are melting the ice.
In the real life, salt is also very useful, not only in chemistry. That is why people are putting salt on frozen roads, for example.
"la monera tiene aparatos reproductores"
"the coin has reproductive devices"