Detention aims to make a discipline among the students who break rules and policies in school.
It is been said that if a student violates or breaches a policy or rule must be taken for such disciplinary action as it would serve as a consequence for a certain undesirable act. It would be considered that detention instills self-realization that is beneficial to the student's development and learning.
As we strive to improve conversations about race, racism, and racial justice in this country, the environment in which we’re speaking seems to be constantly shifting, which shows that these conversations are more important than ever. We’ve put together some advice on finding entry points based on research, experience, and the input of partners from around the country. This is by no means a complete list, but it is a starting point for moving these discussions forward.
Please note that while there are many reasons to communicate with various audiences about racial justice issues, this memo focuses on messaging with the primary goal of persuading them toward action. There are many times when people need to communicate their anger, frustration, and pain to the world and to speak truth to power. Doing so may not always be persuasive, but that obviously doesn’t make it any less important. Since we’re considering persuasion a priority goal in this memo, please consider the following advice through that lens.
Since this is an open question with no choices, I am answering with what I think will best fill in the blank. Note: I do not know exactly what answer they are looking for.
The best answer is: REM
REM is the stage of sleep where dreaming occurs. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. Exactly as the title says, REM sleep is characterized by fast back and forth movement of the eyes.
Cornerstone for me is a 7/10 and the other one a for sure 9/10 :)