I need to get 2 subordinate sentences, 2 coordinated and 2 juxtaposed from the following text Television is one of the most important means of communication that has existed and this is so because thanks to its free as well as its easy access it allows millions of people from all over the world can turn to it immediately and easily. Television is in many cases criticized for considering that it has replaced people's interest with other forms of communication that may require more time, that may seem more boring or slower, etc. However, television remains_ even today (with the great development of the Internet) as a globally accessible means of communication and whose importance lies in the fact that it allows to know news, entertains and uses accessible languages for thousands of people everywhere . "
Filipinas fue gobernada por el Virreinato de Nueva España con sede en México. Después de esto, la colonia fue gobernada directamente por España. El dominio español terminó en 1898 con la derrota de España en el